M-VCI – NETGEAR® Router Installation Guide Index | Version 1.0 | April 2011 Robert Bosch LLC
Appendices | 16
a number of M-VCIs and PCs.
However, there are situations,
such as a large repair facility,
where the use of multiple
NETGEAR routers will improve
wireless network performance.
One recommended configuration
for deploying multiple NETGEAR
routers is to configure a single
NETGEAR router as Type III, and
the remaining NETGEAR routers
as Type I. Another recommended
configuration is to configure all
NETGEAR routers as Type I to be
used with an existing wireless
router. Each NETGEAR router
is configured separately as
described in the main body of this
document. In either recommended
configuration, the routers are
connected together via LAN ports
(using Ethernet cables). The
routers may be “daisy-chained”,
or connected “hub-and-spoke”.
In this way, a single DHCP server
is used for the entire wireless
Other configurations using
multiple NETGEAR routers are
possible, but these may require
additional configuration of the
individual NETGEAR routers.
Please consult Appendix C and the
NETGEAR router documentation.
Most PC wireless interface
software supports the
configuration of multiple access
points. The PC can be moved from
access point to access point by
selecting the appropriate access
point prior to connection to the
M-VCI. Please consult the wireless
software documentation that
comes with your PC.
When all of the NETGEAR access
points in the wireless network
have the same SSID, the M-VCI
will typically communicate with
the first NETGEAR access point it
encounters. Thus, the M-VCI can
be moved around in the repair
facility, but there is no guarantee
that it will always communicate
with the same access point. This
may result in some access points
handling more wireless traffic
than others. To force a particular
M-VCI to always communicate
with a particular access point,
the SSID for the access point
must be altered. This is done
through the NETGEAR router
configuration utility (see Appendix
C and NETGEAR documentation).
After altering the SSID of an
access point, you must change
the wireless SSID in the M-VCI to
match the access point (see Step
4 – Setting the Wireless SSID),
and in any PC using the access