Berkshire 10K Quick Start Guide
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1.2.7. Time & Date
This webpage can be used to set the time zone of the system clock on the Berkshire
10K ipPBX. It can also be used to set the actual time. Once the time is set, the
ipPBX uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to keep the clock accurate.
1.3. Advanced
The advanced items are described in a separate guide.
1.4. Access Control
The navigation items that are available under the access control heading are as
• Change Passwords
• Licenses
• Extension Menus…
• Network Menus…
• Advanced Menus…
• Logout < extension | network | advanced > user
Clicking on “Extension Menus…”, “Network Menus…” or “Advanced Menus…” logs
the user in as an extension user, network user or advanced user. The appropriate
navigation items are shown for each type of user. The user can log out by clicking
the “Logout < extension | network | advanced > user” item. This item displays
“Logout extension user”, “Logout network user” or “Logout advanced user”
depending on the type of user.