Unit Configuration
BreezeCONFIG for BreezeACCESS VL and BreezeACCES 4900 User Manual
In addition, they can be used to enable the transmission and reception of specific
protocol frames. These filtering options do not affect management frames sent to
or generated by the unit.
User Filter: From the dropdown list, select the required user filtering option,
as follows:
Disable, which means no filtering.
IP only, which means only IP packets pass.
User Defined Address Only, which means only messages from IP
addresses defined in the User Filter table pass.
PPPoE Only, which means only PPPoE messages pass.
User Filter Table: To define the IP addresses from which data is permitted to
pass, select a row in the IP Address column and enter the required IP address.
To define a group of addresses, the IP address entered should be the first
address in the range. Then, select either the adjoining Mask or Filter Range
column and enter the required value. Use the scroll bar to move between the 8
available entries.
You can only configure either the Mask or Filter Range. If the Range is other than 0, the Mask entry
is ignored.
DHCP Unicast Override Filter Option: When user filtering is activated,
unicast DHCP messages are filtered out; therefore the unit cannot
communicate with the DHCP server. The DHCP Unicast Override Filter Option
enables to overcome this problem. When enabled, unicast DHCP messages
pass, overriding the user filtering mechanism.
Delete Filter: From the dropdown list, select the entry to be deleted from the
User Filter Table. The available options are None and First to Eighth.
Delete All Filters: Mark the check box to delete all entries from the User
Filter Table. MIR/CIR Parameters
CIR (SU only): To define the Committed Information Rate in the Downlink
(AU to SU) and in the Uplink (SU to AU). The range depends on unit type. The