Appendix F - Troubleshooting Ethernet Port Connection Problems
BreezeACCESS 4900 228 System Manual
F.1 Ethernet Port Connection Problems
* If the IP parameters of the unit are unknown, use the Set Factory Defaults utility to restore the default fac-
tory configuration of all parameters (except to Passwords, general FTP parameters and AU's Frequency).
The IP address of the unit after setting to factory defaults is
Table F-1: Ethernet Port Connection Problems
Problem and Indication Possible Cause Corrective Action
The Ethernet Integrity Indicator (the
yellow LED embedded in the Ethernet
connector) is off, and/or the Ethernet
Activity Indicator (the green embedded
LED) does not blink when there should
be traffic on the Ethernet port.
Wrong type of Ethernet
If connected directly to PC-use a crossed
cable. Otherwise-use a straight cable
Faulty Ethernet cable Replace cable
The unit does not respond to ping. Wrong IP configuration Make sure that the PC is on the same
subnet as the unit*.
Wrong Ethernet port
operation mode
Make sure that the speed and duplex
settings in the PC match the configuration
in the unit (the default is Auto Negotiation)
Wrong VLAN, User
Filtering, Access to
Make sure all relevant parameters are
configured properly