AFSK1201 Seite 5
Connection cables TNC/Transceiver
Here you find a list of all common amateur and CB radios. If your specific radio type can not be found, you
should refer to the manual to find the microphone, speaker and PTT connection.
Some of the cables need two separate connectors at the radio side (e.g. one for the microphone and PTT,
the other one for the speaker connection). Solder a Y-shaped cable and fix and isolate the junction of the
three cables with heatshrink tube. A total lenght of 60-80 cm would be OK in most cases. The distance bet-
ween radio and modem should be not more than 1 meter (problems of interference). As long as cable length
does not exceed 1 m, there is no need to use shielded cables (however, this is recommended).
We did not check all cable circuits listed below. Please inform us if there is anything to correct.
Do you have a radio type not mentioned in the list? Please write us the type and how to connect the modem
to make the list complete.
Amateur radio transceivers: Alphabetic order
µ2E 1
µ4E 1
AOR Mini 400 31
AR240 31
AR446 ADI 16
C108 1
C401 1
C408 1
C500 1
C508 1
C520 1
C5200ED 22
C528 1
C558 1
C55D 29
C5608 22
C568 1
C608 1
C608 1
C7800 5
C8800 5
D410 3
DJ100E 4
DJ120 4
DJ460E 34
DJ560E 24
DJ580 38
DJ-G5T/E 13
DJS-1 13
DJS-4E 13
DJSF-1 13
DR410 16
DR510 16
DR570 16
DR590 16
DR605 T/E 73
EC10 Alinco 433 1
FT10 37
FT208R 21
FT209 1
FT212RH 26
FT23 1
FT290R 8
FT290R II 26
FT40 37
FT470 1
FT4700 26
FT480R 7
FT50R 37
FT51 1
FT5100 26
FT51R 1
FT5200 26
FT530 1
FT6200 26
FT708R 21
FT709 1
FT712RH 26
FT7200 26
FT727 1
FT73 1
FT736 27
FT747GX 25
FT76 1
FT767 32
FT790R 8
FT790R II 26
FT8000 39
FT8100 39
FT847 39
FT8500 39
FX440 36
IC D1E, Z1E 1
IC W31E 1
IC02E 1
IC04E 1
IC1200 3
IC1210 3
IC1271 3
IC12E 1
IC211 12
IC21A 14
IC25 3
IC27 3
IC271 3
IC275 (ACC1) 33
IC275 (MIC) 3
IC28 3
IC281 40
IC2E 1
IC2WE 37
IC3200 3
IC3220 3
IC32E 1
IC45 3
IC45 3
IC47 3
IC471 3
IC475 (ACC1) 33
IC475 (MIC) 3
IC48 3
IC481 40
IC4E 1
IC701 12
IC706MK2 RJ45 72
IC706MK2 DIN 39
IC735 (ACC1) 33
IC735 (MIC) 3
IC751 (MIC) 3
IC820 (ACC1) 33
IC821 (ACC1) 33
IC821 (MIC) 3
IC970 (ACC1) 33
PCS9600 Azden 39
RV400 24
SRC430 30
TH21 2
TH25 2
TH28 2
TH41 2
TH45 2
TH48 2
TH55 2
TH77 2
TH78 2
TH79 2
TM221 6
TM255 39
TM421 6
TM441 6
TM451 39
TM455 39
TMV7E 39
TM701 6
TM731A 6
TM732A+Adapt 35
TM732A MIC soc 41
TM733 Packet 39
TM733A/E MIC 41
TM741 41
TM742A+Adapt 35
TM742A MIC soc 41
TR2300 23
TR751 19
TR9000 20
TS140S 17
TS280 15
TS430S 19
TS711E (ACC2) 17
TS711E mic+spk 28
TS780 19
TS790E 11
TS811E (ACC2) 17
TS811 MIC+SPK 28
TS930S 19
TS940 17
TS950S 19
TW4000A 16
TW4100E 16
Yaesu 227 10
Yaesu 227R 9