ITG User’s Guide
Back To Dial-Plan Menu
1. Please select “Main Menu\ Dial Plan\ Phone/Hunt Group/Destination Settings\ Phone/Hunt
Setting Menu\ Add Hunt Group” from Main Menu
2. Push “Complete” button. And screen will show “List All Hunt Group IDs Result:” table.
3. Purpose: add hunt group to destination ID
mapping table of phone number 551 into dial plan
Back To Dial-Plan Menu
1. Please select “Main Menu\ Dial Plan\ Phone/Hunt Group/Destination Settings\ Phone/Hunt
Setting Menu\ Add Local_Destination_Channel” from Main Menu
2. Push “Complete” button. And screen will
show “Add Destination ID Result:” table
The Destination ID 2 is bound to local channel 1.
3. Purpose: add Local channel number to destination IP mapping table of phone number 551 into
dial plan
Configuring ITG from a Web Browser