Appendix C Glossary
ASCII - An acronym for American Standard Code for Information
Exchange. ASCII is a seven-bit code which defines 128 standard characters,
including control characters, letters, numbers, and symbols. An extra 128
characters comprise the extended ASCII set.
Baud Rate - The transmission rate between two serial devices, e.g.,
modems, fax machines, etc. Measured in Bits Per Second.
Blind Dialing - In blind dialing, the modem continues to dial, regardless of
the existence of a dialtone, ring, or busy signal.
BPS - Bits Per Second; the number of bits that can be transmitted in one
Carrier Signal - The analog data signal that a modem sends over telephone
COMx - Where (x = 1, 2, 3, or 4), COMx is the name(address) of serial
communications ports on personal computers. Each serial port in a personal
computer has a different number.
CTS - Clear To Send.
Default - The assumed value that is used for a command parameter when
no other value is explicitly provided.
DCD - Data Carrier Detect.
DCE - Data Communication Equipment.
DTE - Data Terminal Equipment.
DSVD - Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data.
DTMF - Dual Tone Multifrequency(for touchtone dialing).
DTR - Data Terminal Ready.
FSK - Frequency Shift Keying.
GSTN - General Switched Telephone Network.
Make/Break Ratio - The ratio of the off-hook (make) to on-hook (break)
interval is the make/break ratio in pulse dialing.