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Veriton N Series Computer
Covers: Veriton N Series
This revision: October 2013
Sign up for an Acer ID and enable Acer Remote Files
1. Ensure you are connected to the Internet.
2. Open www.acer.com and select your country.
4. Sign up for an Acer ID or sign in if you already have an Acer ID.
Register your Acer product
After we receive your product registration, you will be sent a confirmation email with
important data. Keep this email in a safe place.
Manage your registered products
Once you have completed the registration process, you can log onto account.acer.com
using your Acer ID and password to see and manage all your registered products.
Note: It may take a few days for your information to be updated to the database.
Model number: _________________________________
Serial number: _________________________________
Date of purchase: ______________________________
Place of purchase: ______________________________