Echo Control Panel | 63
The Local Resources Section
Sound Redirection Options
-By default, sound from the server will
redirect to the local thin client. If you do not want sound to be sent
to the local device, then select either the
Do not play sound
ve sound on the remote thin client
radio buttons below
Redirect sound to local device
(selected by default).
Enable Clipboard
-Determines the ability to copy things to the
clipboard while using this session.
Enable Printer Redirection
-Mark this checkbox to redirect printing
to a printer attached the local terminal.
Enable Client Drive Mapping
-Allows the user plug USB Flash
Drives locally into the terminal and access the contents of the drive
via the RDP session.
Enable Com Port Mapping
-Redirects serial devices on your
terminal to the server.
Enable Smartcard Support-
Specifies whether redirection of
Smart Cards is permitted during server authentication.