1 Getting to know your Extensa4
Front view
3 Launch keys Two special keys for frequently used
programs. See “Launch Keys” on page 21 for
more details.
4 Keyboard Inputs data into your computer.
5 Palmrest Comfortable support area for your hands
when you use the computer.
6 Click buttons
(left and right)
The left and right buttons function like the
left and right mouse buttons.
7 Touchpad Touch-sensitive pointing device which
functions like a computer mouse.
8 Status indicators Llight-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) that turn on
and off to show the status of the computer,
its functions and components.
# Item Description
1 Optical drive Internal optical drive; accepts CDs or DVDs
depending on the optical drive type.
2 Optical drive
eject button
Ejects the optical drive tray from the drive.
# Item Description