Directive 2009/125/EC with regard to establishing a framework for the
setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related product.
The standards listed below are applied to the product if built with WLAN
module or wireless keyboard and mouse.
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC as attested by conformity with the following
harmonized standard:
• Article 3.1(a) Health and Safety
-. EN60950-1
-. EN62311
• Article 3.1(b) EMC
-. EN301 489-1
-. EN301 489-3 (Applicable to non-bluetooth wireless keyboard
mouse set).
-. EN301 489-17
• Article 3.2 Spectrum Usages
-. EN300 440-2 (Applicable to non-bluetooth wireless keyboard
mouse set).
-. EN300 328
-. EN301 893 (Applicable to 5GHz high performance RLAN).
Year to begin affixing CE marking 2011.
Regulation Center, Acer Inc.
Easy Lai /Manager Date
Feb. 18, 2011