The following questions are possible situations that may arise during
the use of your computer and each is followed by simple answers and
solutions to the situation.
Q: I pressed the power switch but the system did not boot up.
Q: I pressed the power switch but the system did not boot up. Q: I pressed the power switch but the system did not boot up.
Q: I pressed the power switch but the system did not boot up.
A: Check the LED located above the power switch.
If the LED is not lit, no power is being applied to the system. Do any of
the following:
• Check if the voltage selector switch located on the rear panel of
the computer is set to the correct voltage.
• Check if you properly plugged the power cable into an electrical
• If you are using a power strip or AVR, make sure that it is plugged
in and turned on.
If the LED is lit, check the following:
• Is a non bootable (non system) diskette in the floppy drive? If yes,
remove or replace it with a system diskette and press Ctrl + Alt +
Del to restart your computer.
• The operating system files may be damaged or missing. Insert the
startup disk you created during Windows setup into the floppy
drive and press Ctrl + Alt + Del
Ctrl + Alt + DelCtrl + Alt + Del
Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart your computer. This will
automatically diagnose your system and make necessary fixes.
However, if the diagnostic utility still reports a problem, then you
may have to perform the recovery process to restore your system
to its original factory default settings.
Q: Nothing appears on the screen.
Q: Nothing appears on the screen. Q: Nothing appears on the screen.
Q: Nothing appears on the screen.
A: Your computer's power management function automatically blanks
the screen to save power. Press any key to turn the display back on.
If pressing a key does not work, your computer. If restarting your
computer does not work, contact your dealer or the technical support
center for assistance.