Appendix D: BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes
68h Enable external cache and CPU cache if
Configure non-cacheable regions if neces-
NOTE: Hook routine must preserve DX,
which carries the cache size to the Display-
CacheSizeJ routine.
69h Initialize the handler for SMM.
6Ah Display external cache size on the screen if it
is non-zero.
NOTE: Hook routine must preserve DX,
which carries the cache size from the cache-
ConfigureJ routine.
6Bh If CMOS is bad, load Custom Defaults from
flash into CMOS. If successful, reboot.
6Ch Display shadow message.
6Eh Display the starting offset of the non-dis-
posable segment of the BIOS.
70h Check flags in CMOS and in the BIOS data
area for errors detected during POST. Dis-
play error messages on the screen.
72h Check status bits to see if configuration
problems were detected. If so, display error
messages on the screen.
76h Check status bits for keyboard-related fail-
ures. Display error messages on the screen.
7Ch Initialize the hardware interrupt vectors
from 08 to 0F and from 70h to 77h. Also set
the interrupt vectors from 60h to 66h to
7Dh Initialize Intelligent System Monitoring.
Beep Code Description