Diagnostic LED Decoder
DescriptionG=Green, R=Red, A+Amber
D2 R R G R Disable CACHE beforfe
memory detection.
Execute full memory sizing
module. Verify that flate
mode is enabled.
D3 R R G A Disable CACHE before
memory detection.
Execute full memory sizing
module. Verify that flat
mode is enabled.
D4 R A OFF R Test base 512KB memory.
Adjust policies and cache
first 8MB.
D5 R A OFF A Bootblock code is copied
from ROM to lower system
memory and control is
given to it. BIOS now
executes out of RAM.
D6 R A G R Both key sequence and
OEM specific method is
checked to determine if
BIOS recovery is forced.
Main BIOS checksum is
tested. If BIOS recovery is
necessary, control flows to
checkpoint E0. See
Bootblock Recovery Code
Checkpoints section of
document for more