Appendix F: Diagnostic Code Checkpoints
05 OFF G OFF G Initializes the interrupt
controlling hardware
(generally PIC) and
interrupt vector table.
06 OFF G G OFF Do R/W test to CH-2 count
reg. Initialize CH-0 as
system timer. Install the
POSTINT1Ch handler.
Enable IRQ-0 in PIC for
system timer interrupt.
Traps INT1Ch vector to
08 G OFF OFF OFF Initializes the CPU. The
BAT test is being done on
KBC. Program the
keyboard controller
command byte is being
done after Auto detection
of KB/MS using AMI KB-5.
CO R R OFF OFF Early CPU Init Start --
Disable Cache - Init Local
C1 R R OFF G Set up boot strap
processor information
C2 R R G OFF Set up boot strap
processor for POST
C5 R A OFF G Enumerate and set up
application processors
C6 R A G OFF Re-enable cache for boot
strap processor
C7 R A G G Early CPU Init Exit
Diagnostic LED Decoder
DescriptionG=Green, R=Red, A+Amber