KNX Association cvba • De Kleetlaan 5 Bus 11 • B-1831 • Brussels-Diegem • Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0) 2 775 85 90 • Fax: +32 (0) 2 675 50 28
VAT: BE 0441 460 064
• www.knx.org
The worldwide STANDARD for home and building control
Press release
KNX Association cvba
De Kleetlaan 5 Bus 11
B-1831 Brussels-Diegem
Tel.: +32 (0) 2 775 85 90
Fax: +32 (0) 2 675 50 28
Audio and Video in Home Automation
- New applications based on the KNX Standard
- CEDIA now Partner of KNX
In the kitchen, pop-music is coming out of the speakers, in the
bathroom an Italian aria is playing and a Dr. Seuss story can be
heard in the kids’ room. After only a few clicks on the computer or
touch-panel, the desired music/sound can be heard in each room.
Intelligent building systems technology based on the KNX
standard provides variable control of multimedia technology
throughout the entire home. KNX manufacturers are developing
solutions for so-called multi-room systems which are becoming
increasingly simple and convenient - for both the user as well as
the installer. At the fair “Integrated Systems Europe 2009 (ISE)”
over 15 KNX members are showing their own solutions for audio
& video application in home automation. CEDIA (the Custom
Electronic Design & Installation Association) has teamed up with
the KNX Association in a reciprocal membership agreement which
will involve working more closely together, including the
development of a series of joint training and awareness initiatives.
The innovative NetLinx NXB-KNX Gateway communicates
directly with KNX Control Bus Technology enabling the
integration of all building devices/sub-systems with our NetLinx
Control System. This gives installers total flexibility to deliver
robust end-to-end solutions for building applications everywhere
KNX is present. AMX products span control and automation,
system-wide switching and audio/video signal distribution, and
technology management. AMX is in homes and commercial
buildings worldwide.
Armour Home Electronics LTD., U.K.
Systemline is a European leader in domestic audio & video
distribution systems and now offers full VGA resolution colour
touch screens offering two-way control of music servers,
DAB/FM radio tuner, ipod (audio & video), lighting and heating
via an RS232 based central hub. A KNX to RS232 interface
gateway is used to connect the KNX system bus to the
Systemline RS232 Hub. This gateway is configured to read and