Product Specifications:
Electrical System:
• Class 1, replaceable, high efficiency LED driver rated for 50,000 hours when used within
operating conditions.
• Audible Noise – Per 29CFR 1910 sub part G: <24 dba (1 foot)
• Thermal overload protection shuts down the luminaire when system
temperatures exceed designed operating conditions
• THD: <20%
• Transient Protection: 100 kHz ring wave, 2.5 kV level
• Environmental Testing: High Temperature High Humidity: 60°C / 90% (non-condensing)
• Electronic Vibration Testing: Multi Axis, Random Vibration Profile: 2-2000 Hz, 5Gs on electronics
• Compliant with the material restriction requirements of RoHS
• Fully recyclable heatsink
• IP Rating: IP20
• Impact Resistance: IK=2
Angle 0° 45° 90°
45° 4138 4592 4830
55° 4193 4970 5155
65° 4262 5348 5376
75° 4326 5674 5173
85° 4352 3292 3131
NOTE: Floor Cavity Reflectance : 20%
Zone Lumens % of Lamp % of Fixture
0-20 438.05 N.A. 10.40
0-30 950.00 N.A. 22.60
0-40 1600.75 N.A. 38.10
0-60 3043.22 N.A. 72.50
0-80 4040.06 N.A. 96.20
Total Luminaire Efficiency = N.A.%
RC 80% 70% 50% 30% 10% 0%
RW 70% 50% 30% 10% 70% 50% 30% 10% 50% 30% 10% 50% 30% 10% 50% 30% 10% 0%
0 119 119 119 119 116 116 116 116 110 110 110 105 105 105 101 101 101 99
1 107 102 97 93 104 100 95 92 95 92 88 91 88 85 87 85 83 80
2 97 88 80 74 94 86 79 73 82 76 71 78 74 69 75 71 68 65
3 88 76 68 61 85 75 66 60 71 64 59 68 62 57 66 61 56 54
4 80 67 58 51 77 66 57 50 63 55 49 60 54 48 58 52 48 45
5 73 59 50 43 71 58 49 43 56 48 42 54 47 41 52 46 41 39
6 67 53 44 37 65 52 43 37 50 42 36 48 41 36 47 40 36 33
7 62 48 39 32 60 47 38 32 45 38 32 44 37 32 42 36 31 29
8 58 44 35 29 56 43 34 29 41 34 28 40 33 28 39 32 28 26
9 54 40 31 26 52 39 31 26 38 31 25 37 30 25 36 29 25 23
10 50 37 29 23 49 36 28 23 35 28 23 34 27 23 33 27 22 21
Zone Lumens
0-10 111.42
10-20 326.63
20-30 511.96
30-40 650.75
40-50 725.70
50-60 716.76
60-70 609.47
70-80 387.37
80-90 105.20
90-100 34.30
100-110 13.09
110-120 3.11
120-130 0.79
130-140 0.77
140-150 0.83
150-160 0.79
160-170 0.58
170-180 0.21
IS14 Series
Photometric Data:
Angle 0° 45° 90°
45° 3913 4396 4701
55° 3952 4773 5093
65° 3980 5181 5171
75° 3953 5122 4127
85° 3546 2426 3498
NOTE: Floor Cavity Reflectance : 20%
Zone Lumens % of Lamp % of Fixture
0-20 404.07 N.A. 9.6
0-30 875.91 N.A. 20.9
0-40 1477.46 N.A. 35.2
0-60 2829.75 N.A. 67.4
0-80 3767.35 N.A. 89.7
Total Luminaire Efficiency = N.A.%
RC 80% 70% 50% 30% 10% 0%
RW 70% 50% 30% 10% 70% 50% 30% 10% 50% 30% 10% 50% 30% 10% 50% 30% 10% 0%
0 117 117 117 117 114 114 114 114 107 107 107 100 100 100 95 95 95 92
1 106 101 96 92 102 98 94 90 92 89 85 87 84 81 82 80 78 75
2 96 87 79 73 92 84 77 72 79 74 69 75 70 66 71 67 64 61
3 87 75 67 60 83 73 65 59 69 62 57 65 59 55 62 57 53 50
4 79 66 57 50 76 64 56 49 61 53 48 57 51 46 54 49 45 42
5 72 59 49 42 69 57 48 42 54 46 41 51 45 39 48 43 38 36
6 66 52 43 37 64 51 42 36 48 41 35 46 39 34 44 38 33 31
7 61 47 38 32 59 46 38 31 44 36 31 42 35 30 40 34 29 27
8 57 43 34 28 55 42 34 28 40 32 27 38 31 27 36 30 26 24
9 53 39 31 25 51 38 30 25 37 29 24 35 28 24 33 27 23 21
10 50 36 28 23 48 35 28 22 34 27 22 32 26 21 31 25 21 19
Zone Lumens
0-10 102.74
10-20 301.33
20-30 471.84
30-40 601.55
40-50 675.62
50-60 676.67
60-70 579.21
70-80 358.39
80-90 97.69
90-100 52.22
100-110 110.53
110-120 84.91
120-130 27.45
130-140 25.03
140-150 19.09
150-160 10.48
160-170 4.35
170-180 1.26
IS14 Uplight Series
Photometric Data:
When ordering Lumination IS Series LED Luminaires 2 mounting brackets
are included with each fixture.
Additional mounting brackets can be ordered if needed, depending upon mounting
and spacing of application.
For more information and access to all of our resources, including our
design tool visit: www.gelighting.com
GE and the GE Monogram are trademarks of the General Electric Company. All other trademarks are the property
of their respective owners. Information provided is subject to change without notice. All values are design or typical
values when measured under laboratory conditions. GE Lighting and GE Lighting Solutions, LLC are businesses of
the General Electric Company. © 2014 GE.
IND072 (Rev 09/30/14)