Internet is part of a Wide Area Network or WAN. A device called a MODEM is usually used to
access the WAN using DSL, Cable, Fiber Optic, or a Wireless connection. The modem converts
the incoming WAN signal from the internet to a wired Ethernet connection that can be connected
to a router. A router is a bridge between the WAN and a LAN. A router takes a single
connection to the WAN and by changing the addressing it allows the signals to be routed to
multiple computers and other network devices in the LAN. Most routers provide a single WAN
input, 4-Wired Ethernet ports, and 802.11 wireless capabilities all in one device. Sometimes the
MODEM and router are combined into a single unit.
There are two types of wireless networks:
Easy mode: Devices in the network can communicate directly with each other without the use of a
router or access point. This method can be used to share files and printers, however it is not easy
to connect to the network (wired or wireless). This model is also known as peer to peer
Infrastructure mode: Each device in the network is assigned an IP address, either manually or by
the router. The router acts as an access point and handles all data transfer and network traffic.
It is easy to connect this type of configuration to a wired network, whether it is the Local Area
Network LAN or the Internet, the Wide Area Network or WAN. For most home and small
business networks, Infrastructure mode is the best choice.
Chapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why can’t I enter the WEB management interface?
If you are new to using a router, make sure your computer and the router are connected
together on the same network segment. A network cable should be connected directly between
the computer and one of the four LAN ports on the router. With the computer and router both
powered on, both the link light on the computer LAN interface and on the corresponding router
link light should be lit.
The default router address is: “”. Enter this in the address line of your
web browser and press “Enter”. If you modified the router's default LAN IP address, make sure
you use the new IP address you assigned to access the router. If you forgot your new settings,
you will need to perform a system reset to change the router settings back to the factory default
settings. See the following section on resetting the router. Once the default factory settings are
restored you can use the default router IP address, username and password to access the router
setup menu.
If you are able to get to the login screen but your username and/or password are not
recognized, you will need to perform a system reset to change the router settings back to the
factory default settings. See the following section on resetting the router. Once the default
factory settings are restored, you can use the default router IP address, username and password to
access the router setup menu.
2. How do I reset the router to the factory default settings?
If the network administrator has forgotten the router IP address, username, or password, then