ports with the clients using the 802.11 wireless network. This might be used where you are
trying to extend the wireless range capability on a network where a router with NAT
functionality already exists. The IP addressing will just pass through the bridge without any
translation. The NAT (Network Address Translation) function, firewall, and some other
services will be disabled.
Wireless ISP: Select the Wireless ISP (Internet Service Provider) mode when the internet
service is delivered using 802.11. All the Ethernet ports are bridged together with the
wireless acting as a client connected to your ISP's service access point (AP).
4.9.2 Save & Upload
This menu page allows the router settings to be saved for backup and loaded from backup for easy
recovery. You also have the option to restore the factory default settings using the “Factory”
4.9.3 Upgrade
The firmware upgrade feature allows the user to load the latest version of firmware. If a
firmware update is available, you can download it to a computer from the ReadyNet website.
Click the "Browse" button then select the update file location. Next click "Upgrade" to install
the firmware file. Once the update has completed, the router will re-boot to initiate the new