Connections and Setup
Chapter 1 15
Complete the Initial Setup
The menu system in your TV allows the TV’s features to work properly. The fi rst time you turn
on your TV, the language screen appears.
Channel setup
Go back
Signal type Cable...
Auto Channel search ...
Set the Menu Language
The fi rst part of the setup allows you to select your preferred language
for the menu system.
If English is your preferred language, press OK. To choose another
language, press the down arrow button until that language is
highlighted, and press OK.
Complete Channel Setup
Make sure you've connected the TV to cable and/or an off-air signal
before you start the next part of the setup.
Set the Signal Type
If you connected Cable to your ANT/CABLE jack, the option is chosen
for you and you can press the down arrow button to continue. To
choose Antenna, press the right arrow button and then press the down
arrow button to continue.
Channel setup
Go back
Signal type Cable...
Auto Channel search Running...
Analog Channels found 10
Digital Channels found 05
Ch. search in progress. Press CLEAR to cancel
Any channels already found will be stored.
If you have analog and digital channels,
the TV's search might take longer since it is
looking for both.
Complete the Channel Search
Even though the initial channel search can take several minutes, you
must complete it in order for your TV to display channels and pro-
gramming. Press OK to begin the channel search. The menu shows the
TV is running a channel search. When it's complete, the Channel setup
menu remains on-screen. To exit the menu system, press CLEAR.
Some channels might have been found during the channel search that
are unavailable to view and you might want to get rid of these so they
don't appear as you change channels. To do this press OK (the List
and Labels menu appears). Note that removing channels from your
channel list may be time consuming, so you might want to do it later.
Go to page 40 for details on editing your channel list.
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