Chapter 4
Using the Menu System
Go back
Closed caption
List and Labels
Go back
In channel list
Channel label
Enter the channel / input using </> keys.
List & Labels
Closed-Caption Type Lets Closed-Caption Type
you choose your preferred type of analog closed
are the primary caption and text services. The captioning
or text is displayed in the same language as the program’s dialog.
serve as the preferred data channels. The captioning
or text is often a secondary language translation, simplifi ed English, or
displayed at a slower rate.
are rarely available and broadcasters
Text 4 are rarely available and broadcasters Text 4
use them only in special conditions, such as when
available, or Text1 and Text3 are not available.
options display information at any position on the
screen. These options overlay the text on top of the picture as it is
options display information at one particular position
(such as the bottom third) of the screen. You cannot see the picture
Displays a choice list that lets you set up the HD Monitor to
Autotuning Displays a choice list that lets you set up the HD Monitor to Autotuning
automatically tune to the correct input channel when you press a
(VCR, DVD, AUX/HD or SAT/CABLE) on the remote. Go to Chapter 3 for details
about the Autotuning feature.
Lets you edit your input channel list and choose or create a
personal six-character label for each input channel.
The list and label options are:
Press the left or right arrow button to scroll through the input
Channel Press the left or right arrow button to scroll through the input Channel
channels and choose the one you want to edit.
In channel list or In channel list
Press the left or right arrow button to add (the box is
In channel list Press the left or right arrow button to add (the box is In channel list
checked) or remove (the box is unchecked) the input from the list.
Press the left or right arrow button to scroll through the
Channel Label Press the left or right arrow button to scroll through the Channel Label
available list of 25 most common labels.
The last option in the list of common labels allows you to create your
own six-character label for the input (the fi rst letter of the label is
highlighted). Press the 1 or 2 number button to change the fi rst letter of
the label. Press the right arrow to highlight the second letter, then press
the 1 or 2 number button to change the second letter, and so on.
Convergence The Convergence
feature automatically adjusts the HD
convergence feature automatically adjusts the HD convergence
Monitor’s tubes (this may take several minutes, after which you can make fi ne
adjustments to the convergence settings);
Red convergence displays the Red Red convergence
convergence screen, allowing you to use the arrow buttons to align the red and
Blue convergence displays the Blue Blue convergence
convergence screen, allowing
you to use the arrow buttons to align the blue and green images.
Go back
Closed Caption Setting
Closed Caption Type
On always...
Press < or > key to select the closed
caption setting.