Connection; TV + VCR + Satellite Receiver
1. Connect your Satellite Receiver to your T\'
\. (lonni t I the ;m(lin \ tables. (>)iin(.xi ihe audio cables (while and reti) to die AliOIO
IN jacks (iti the bat k o| the lA' (l< aiul i. MONO) and U> the Autlio OulpLil Jacks tm the
Salt'!Hie Re(.ei\er. ’
15. Coiineet ihe \ ¡(.leo table ¡yellow ) lo ihe VlDliO IN jack on the back of the'l'\ and to the
)iH]'nii jack on liie satellite iveeivcr,
(i. (ioiinesl S \ KÌeo eabk.' io[)tionab- Connect an S-Vicleo calile lo the S-\ KM'O jack on the
■ |A and In die .N-Xll )li( ) jat'k on ihe saiellue reeei\er. tAn ,S-\ i^teo cable piovtdes better
picture (|iiaiil\ lhan a re.yular \ irieo cable, bui il is opiional.)
2. Conueet coaxial cables tt> the Satellite Receiver
.\. Conner i the coaxial cabk' from vour cable ourlet, cable box, or antenna to the In]int Jack
on \'onr satellite reeeixer (.sometimes labeled IN FROM A-N'D.
li. Connect the coa.xial calile from your satellite dish antenna to the In[iui Jack on your
satellite leceirer (sometimes labeled .S.ATFl.I.ITF. IN).
5. Connect the Satellite Receiver to the VCR and to the TV
,A. Connect a (.(laxial cable t(j the (butpnt kick (.sometimes labeled Ol.'T TO 'FA') on tlie
satellite receiver and lo tile Input Jack on the VCR (.sometimes labeled IN FROM ANT).
¡5. Connect a coaxial cable u.) the (.)uiput Jack on the VCR (sometimes labeled Ol.T TO 'FX')
and to the CAULE/ANTENNA jack on the 'lAa
4. Connect G-LINK cable
A. If you haven't done so. remove tile Demo Pin from the G-UNK jack. .
U. Connect the G-LINK cable to tile G-LINK jack on the TV. Next .step, place one of the .
wands of the G-l.INK cable to work with your VCR (instructions are on p. 13).
Go to page 13
Chapter 1