9. Maintenance
9.1 General Information
It’s your responsibility to properly maintain and
operate your new vehicle. Follow the instructions
contained in the General and Scheduled Mainte-
nance Service guidelines in your Owner’s Manual.
Regular, scheduled maintenance is essential to
trouble-free operation. If there is a dispute between
you and Chrysler Group LLC (⬙Chrysler⬙) concern-
ing your maintenance of your vehicle, Chrysler will
require you to provide proof that your vehicle was
properly maintained.
For your convenience, Chrysler has prepared a
Maintenance Log which is included in your Own-
er’s Manual. You should use this Maintenance Log
to keep track of scheduled maintenance, either by
routinely having the repairs entered in your Mainte-
nance Log, or by keeping receipts or other docu-
mentation of work you’ve had done on your vehicle
in your Maintenance Log.