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74. [Bug Fix][ITS 130401093] Dhcp6c will re-init if reveive more than one reply message.
75. [Bug Fix] LAN PC can't ping to WAN (IPv6) when firewall is disabled.
76. [FEATURE MODIFICATION][ITS 130502491] In Maintenance->Time page, Daylight
Saving setting, Order field. Change Fifth to Last.
77. [FEATURE MODIFICATION][ITS 130503411] Enhance the status page loading speed.
78. [FEATURE MODIFICATION][ITS 130503755] Change the serial number format
shown on COE
Original: "SerialNumber"
Change to: "SerialNumber ModelName FirmwareVersion"
EU(E1) region.
80. [Bug Fix][SPRID 130301048] MAX NAT session per host can't be limited.
81. [Bug Fix][SPRID 130227536] Use ADSL WAN to play IGMP >> Lag.
82. [Bug Fix][SPRID 130220040] Passphrase type couldn't be set.
83. [Bug Fix][SPRID 121219374] Wireless can't pass the PQA criteria, please check the
attached file.
84. [Bug Fix][SPRID 121015894] Port trigger can't work when set port range.
Modifications in V1.00(AAKL.0)C0
85. Base on 1.00(AAKL.0)b2 to release V1.00(AAKL.0)C0
Modifications in V1.00(AAKL.0)b2
86. Base on 1.00(AAGW.0)b5 to release V1.00(AAKL.0)b2
87. Change Vendor Name to “ZyXEL Communications Corp.”.
88. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130415450]Diagnostic can't "Ping/TraceRoute/Nslookup" ipv6
domain address.
89. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130416621] After DUT use .w to upgrade FW, user can't use
account (zyuser/admin) to login FTP.
90. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130415473]5th Ehternet Port can't work
91. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130412360][Power Management]Wireless 5G LED didn't OFF by
power management.
92. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130415492] [Remote MGMT] Type "sys atsh " via ssh response