Creating Pro 215 Floppy Disk Installation Diskettes
If floppy diskettes are required to install the WorkCentre Printer Driver Software, the user can create
a set of diskettes from CD-ROM.
To create a set of WorkCentre Pro Series Printer Driver floppy Diskettes, find a PC that has a floppy
diskette drive with a CD-ROM drive and follow the procedure below. Four or five blank high density
diskettes will be required.
For Windows:
1. Insert the WorkCentre CD into the CD-ROM Drive.
2. Click on the Start button and then choose the Run menu option.
3. Type D:\MAKEDISK\MAKEDISK.EXE (or the appropriate drive letter depending on your CD-
ROM Drive) in the command line box. Click on the OK button to proceed.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
To use the Floppy Disk Installation Disks created, follow the same procedure for your operating
system but refer to the floppy disk drive (A:\ or B:\) rather than the CD-ROM drive (D:).