Image Quality
The image quality features described on this page can be used to improve copies of documents
printed on colored paper, photographs, or are of poor quality.
Auto: Use Auto when copying from originals with a colored background or mixed text and
Note: When Auto is selected, the copier automatically varies the contrast of your copies.
Lighter/Darker settings are not available.
Text: Use Text to copy documents containing mostly text.
Photo: Use Photo when the originals are photographs.
Toner Save: Toner Save mode lowers overall copy density on each page. This feature can be
used when making draft copies.
Copy Contrast
You can vary the copy contrast of your copies in small
increments when Text, Photo, or Toner Save settings are
Note: When Auto is selected the copy contrast settings are
not available.
Press the copy contrast key to lighten or darken copies while
in the Text, Photo, or Toner Save settings.
There are 5 contrast settings represented by 3 indicator lights. The indicators light up one or two at
a time to represent the selected setting. Successive pushes of the key will change the indicators in
successive order. Darkest, normal and lightest settings are depicted by one indicator. When 2
indicators are lit, the copy contrast will be mid point between the darker setting and the lighter