ColorQube 8570/8870 Color Printer
User Guide
7. Select the number of the weak or missing jet (1 to 309) and then press OK to confirm the
Note: If you need to substitute more jets, select Save Change and Select Another Jet and repeat
steps 6 and 7.
8. Select Save Change and Exit > OK to complete the procedure.
Disabling Jet Substitution Mode
1. On the printer control panel, select Troubleshooting and then press the OK button.
2. Select Print Quality Problems > OK.
3. Select Eliminate Light Stripes > OK.
4. Select Jet Substitution Mode > OK.
5. Select Turn Jet Substitution Mode Off > OK.
Note: Any saved and stored jobs on the printer’s hard drive, if the hard drive option is present and
enabled, must be resubmitted to print correctly while Jet Substitution is enabled.