Xerox Document Centre User Guide ix
Stamps and other representatives of value, of whatever
denomination, which may be or have been issued under any
Act of Congress
3. Adjusted compensation Certificates for veterans of the World
4. Obligations or Securities of any foreign government, bank, or
5. Certificates of Citizenship or Naturalization. (Foreign
naturalization certificates may be photographed).
6. Passports. (Foreign passports may be photographed).
7. Immigration papers.
8. Badges, identification cards, passes or insignias carried by
military or Naval personnel, or by members of the various
Federal Departments and Bureaus, such as the FBI and Treasury
(unless the photograph is ordered by the head of such
Department or Bureau).
9. Copying of the following is also prohibited in certain states:
automobile licences, driver’s licenses, and automobile
Certificates of Title.
10. Draft Registration cards and Selective Service Induction papers
which bear any of the following information:
Registrant’s earnings or income
Registrant’s dependency status
Registrant’s court record
Registrant’s previous military service
Registrant’s physical or mental condition
US Army and Navy discharge certificates may be