1 Before turni ng on the receiver, make ce r tain the
transmitter is off. Also ensure that the volume for CH A
and CH B are set to minimum. Ensure that your output
devices are muted or set to the lowest possible level
before turning on the Contact 502A, then hold down
the power button of the receiver until the LED displays
2. Turn on the wireless microphone. The RF indicator light
of the corresponding channel will illuminate. Turn the
volume of the receiver to 12 o’clock. Raise the level of
your output devices and then speak into the microphone.
The AF indicator LED on the receiver will illuminate with
the volume level.
1. Upon power up the LED fully illuminates and displays the
GROUP and CHANNEL information.
2. GROUP func tion: Press the GRO UP but ton onc e.
The group number will ash; it shows that the GROUP
is pending. Press the Group button to increment the
GROUP numbers from 1-9. Stop at the desired number
to assign to the group.
3. CHANNEL function: press the SCAN button once. The
channel numbers ash showing the channel is pending.
Press it again to increment the numbers. Stop at the
desired number to assign the channel.
4. SYNC function: Press the SYNC button once and move
the powered-up microphone about 30 cm in front of the
receiver. Point the power indicator of the microphone
at the transmitting window of the receiver. When the
channel locks, the LCD will display the same group
and channel as the receiver. Synchronisation is now