Service Level report 7-69
Chapter 7: Running Contact Center Reports
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
Service Level report
The Service Level report tracks wait time by showing the percentage of calls to a queue that
have been answered, sent to voicemail, abandoned, re-directed, or transferred as wait time
progresses. The total number of calls in each category is shown in parentheses at the bottom of
the report.
Note: In order to plot the curve smoothly on the chart, the curve only shows 100% of the calls
if there is not a large difference between the 95th% and the 100th%. Frequently, there are a few
calls in a set of records that have an extremely long wait time before something happens to the
call. These calls can cause the plotted curve to seem very long and disproportionate. In these
cases, Wave plots only the top 95th% of calls (as shown in the preceding illustration).
Reading the Service Level report
The following fields appear in this report:
Wait Time (sec). Displays on the x-axis of the report.
% Answered. Displays as a line. Read against the x-axis and y-axis of the report to find
what percentage of calls reached a result by that length of wait time.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1