Port Forwarding
The Port Forwarding feature forwards incoming trac from the internet to a particular connected
device. To use any of the common server applications listed, follow these steps:
➊ Select the Enable Port Forwarding check box.
➋ On the Port Forwarding section of the Port Forwarding screen, type the computer's IP
Address in the IP Address of Connected Device eld beside the Application name.
➌ Enable the corresponding Application on this screen by selecting its check box.
➍ Save your changes by clicking Save.
Tell the person or company that needs port forwarding to connect to the MiFi4620L's IP address (by
default, this is http://admin.mi or Connection requests are forwarded to the IP
address specied in step 3.
IMPORTANT When no longer needed, Port Forwarding should be disabled on this screen
by de-selecting its check box, and saving change(s) by clicking Save. Leaving applications
enabled unnecessarily creates a security risk.