The Wi-Fi menu allows you to customize the Wi-Fi proles and view details about the devices
connected to your device. The Wi-Fi menu has the following menu options:
• Wi-Fi Profile (See Wi-Fi Prole on page 28.)
• Connected Devices (See Connected Devices on page 32.)
Wi-Fi Prole
The Wi-Fi Prole screen has the following options:
• Current Profile — The wireless (802.11) prole currently in use.
• Selected Profile — The prole settings shown on the page. (See Changing to a Dierent
Prole on page 30.)
• Network Name (SSID) — The name of the MiFi4620L device's wireless network.
• 802.11 Mode — The wireless network technology used. 802.11g + 802.11b + 802.11n is most
compatible, allowing both 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n devices to connect to the wireless
• WMM — Wi-Fi Multimedia. Enables your device to stream multimedia les.
• Channel — If available, select Auto. With this setting, MiFi4620L selects the best available
channel. If the Auto setting is not available, you can experiment to see which channel
provides the best results, or use the default setting.