TD-W8950N 150Mbps Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem Router User Guide
Figure 4-115
To change the password:
1. Select the Username whose password you want to change.
2. Enter the Old Password in the text box.
3. Enter the New Password and Confirm Password. The Confirm Password should be the
same as the New Password.
4. Click Save/Apply to make your change take effect.
1) Access to your DSL modem router is controlled through three user accounts: admin, support,
and user. The user name "admin" has unrestricted access to change and view configuration of
your DSL modem router. The user name "user" can access the DSL modem router, view
configuration settings and statistics, as well as, update the router's software.
2) Both of admin and support accounts can do remote management. For security reasons,
please change the default password for these two accounts when remote access function is
3) The password cannot contain a space, and its maximum length is 16 characters. Remote Access
“Management”“Access Control”“Remote Access”, you can see the screen (shown
in Figure 4-116) which allows you to change the factory default password of the router.