2005 CAMRY (EWD586U)
[N] : Explains the system outline.
[O] : Indicates values or explains the function for reference during troubleshooting.
[P] : Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of the parts in the system circuit.
Example : Part ”L4” (Light Failure Sensor) is on page 36 of the manual.
∗ The letter in the code is from the first letter of the part, and the number indicates its order in parts
starting with that letter.
Example : L 4
Parts is 4th in order
Light Failure Sensor
[Q] : Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of Relay Block Connectors in the system circuit.
Example : Connector ”1” is described on page 18 of this manual and is installed on the left side of the instrument
[R] : Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of J/B and Wire Harness in the system circuit.
Example : Connector ”3C” connects the Instrument Panel Wire and J/B No.3. It is described on page 22 of this
manual, and is installed on the instrument panel left side.
[S] : Indicates the reference page describing the wiring harness and wiring harness connector (the female wiring
harness is shown first, followed by the male wiring harness).
Example : Connector ”IE1” connects the floor wire (female) and Instrument panel wire (male). It is described on
page 42 of this manual, and is installed on the left side kick panel.
[T] : Indicates the reference page showing the position of the ground points on the vehicle.
Example : Ground point ”BO” is described on page 50 of this manual and is installed on the back panel center.
[U] : Indicates the reference page showing the position of the splice points on the vehicle.
Example : Splice point ”I5” is on the Cowl Wire Harness and is described on page 44 of this manual.