11N Wireless Broadband Router User Guide
¾ Enable Bandwidth Control: To enable or disable the internal IP bandwidth control.
The default is disabled.
¾ IP Address: The IP address range of the hosts whose traffic has been controlled. It
can be a single IP address or IP address range.
¾ Upload/Download: To specify the traffic heading way for the selected IP addresses:
upload or download.
¾ Bandwidth Range: The maximum and minimum upload/download data traffic of the
hosts in specified IP range. The unit is KByte/s. The uplink of upload and download
can not exceed the WAN port bandwidth limitation range.
¾ Enable: To enable the current edited rule. Otherwise, the rule will not go into effect.
¾ Add to list: After you edit the rule, click the “add to list” button to add the current
rule to the rule list.
Here we take 2Mbps bandwidth as an example. Theoretically, the biggest downloading rate
for 2Mbps bandwidth is 2Mbps=256KByte/s, and the biggest uploading rate is
Example 1
If you want to set the download rate of the computer at the IP address of as
80-90KByte/s, upload rate as 10-15KByte/s, first add one upload rule as shown in the
picture below: