11N Wireless Broadband Router User Guide
Dynamic IP (Via DHCP)
If your connection mode is Dynamic IP, it means every time you access the Internet, you
will get a different IP. You don’t need to enter any parameters in this mode, just Click “Ok” to
finish the settings.
¾ Mode: Show your current connection mode.
¾ PPTP server address: The IP address or domain name of the destination server
and it is used to specify the destination address which needs for PPTP connection.
¾ Username/Password: Used to validate identity when connecting to the PPTP
¾ Address mode: Set the router’s IP address mode, you can select either “Dynamic”
or “Static”. If your ISP doesn’t provide the IP address, please select “Dynamic”.
¾ IP address: Please enter the IP address provided by your ISP, inquire your local ISP