Wireless-N Broadband Router
MAC: To connect certain AP, you need to know
the AP's MAC address. By enabling Open
Scanning button to find out the available AP’s
MAC address.
Channel: You can use the channel same as the
AP. By enabling Open Scanning button to find out
the available AP's channel.
Security Mode: router provides the following
security authentication methods:
(1) WEP: selects ASCII format (5 or 13 ASCII
characters except illegal characters.) or Hex
format (10 or 26 Hex characters).
(2) WPA/WPA2-personal (PSK) is safer than other
encryption methods because the key is subject to
change all the time. WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
utilizes the TKIP or AES encryption algorithm.
WEP Mode: The shared key requires the same
WEP keys between the access point and work
Default KEY: After entering the WEP keys, select
one key as the default one, for example, Key 1
KEY Format: AASCII: Enter 13 characters with
case sensitive ("a-z", "A-Z" and "0-9"). Hex: enter
26 Hex characters ("A-F", "a-f" and “0~9”).
KEY 1: If the KEY 1 is selected as default key, the
key will be enabled.