300Mbps Concurrent Dual Band Wireless N Router
This section allows you to view the router’s WAN info listed below:
WAN Status: Displays WAN connection status: Disconnected, Connecting or
Disconnected: Indicates that the Ethernet cable from your ISP side is / is not
correctly connected to the WAN port on the router or the router is not logically
connected to your ISP.
Connecting: Indicates that the WAN port is correctly connected and is requesting
an IP address from your ISP.
Connected: Indicates that the router has been connected to your ISP.
Internet Connection Type: Displays current Internet connection type.
WAN IP: Displays WAN IP address.
Subnet Mask: Displays WAN subnet mask.
Gateway: Displays WAN gateway address.
DNS Server: Displays WAN DNS address.
WAN MAC Address: Displays router’s WAN MAC address.
WAN Traffic: Displays bandwidth currently used by router in KB/s.
Connection Duration: Displays time duration indicating how long the router
has been connected to ISP.
WAN Traffic Graph: Displays a graphic presentation of the traffic flow.
This section allows you to view the router’s LAN info listed below:
IP Address:Displays LAN IP address.
Subnet Mask: Displays LAN subnet mask.
LAN MAC Address: Displays router’s LAN MAC address.
DHCP Server: Displays whether DHCP server is enabled or not.
NAT Entries/NAT: Displays number of used NAT entries and MAX NAT entries.