An n e x B of E CMA-3 7 0 4
t h
e d i t i o n Am e n d e d , Febr u a r y 2 0 1 0 Pa g e 2 (6 )
Model number *
Issue date *
Product environmental attributes - Legal requirements Requirement met
Item Yes
P1 Hazardous substances and preparations
P1.1* Products do not contain more than; 0.1% lead, 0.01% cadmium, 0.1% mercury, 0.1% hexavalent
chromium, 0.1% polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) or 0.1% polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). (See
legal reference and Note B1)
P1.2* Products do not contain Asbestos (see legal reference).
Comment: Legal reference has no maximum concentration value.
P1.3* Products do not contain Ozone Depleting Substances: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC),
hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFC), hydrochlorofluorcarbons (HCFC), Halons, carbontetrachloride, 1,1,1-
trichloroethane, methyl bromide (see legal reference). Comment: Legal reference has no maximum
concentration values.
P1.4* Products do not contain more than; 0.005% polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), 0.005% polychlorinated
terphenyl (PCT)
in preparations (see legal reference).
P1.5* Products do not contain more than 0.1% short chain chloroparaffins (SCCP) with 10-13 carbon atoms in
the chain containing at least 48% per mass of chlorine in the SCCP (see legal reference).
P1.6* Textile and leather parts with direct skin contact do not contain Tri-(2,3,-dibromopropyl)-phosphate (TRIS),
Tris-(aziridinyl)-phosphineoxide (TEPA), polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) (see legal reference).
Comment: Legal reference has no maximum concentration values.
P1.7* Textile and leather parts with direct skin contact do not contain more than 0.003% Azo colorants that split
aromatic amines. (See legal reference and Note B1)
P1.8* Wooden parts do not contain arsenic and chromium as a wood preservation treatment as well as
pentachlorophenol and derivatives (see legal reference).
Comment: Legal reference has no maximum concentration values.
P1.9* Parts with direct and prolonged skin contact do not release nickel in concentrations above 0.5
/week (see legal reference).
Comment: Max limit in legal reference when tested according to EN1811:1998.
P1.10* REACH Article 33 information about substances in articles is available at (add URL or mail contact):
P2 Batteries
P2.1* If the product contains a battery or an accumulator, it is labeled with the disposal symbol and if it contains
more than 0.0005% of mercury (for button cells only) by weight, or more than 0.004% of lead, it shall be
marked with the chemical symbol for the metal concerned, Hg or Pb. Information on proper disposal is
provided in user manual. (See legal reference)
P2.2* Button cells used in the product do not contain more than 2% by weight of mercury. Other batteries or
accumulators do not contain more than 0.0005% of mercury or 0.002% of cadmium. (See legal reference)
P2.3* Batteries and accumulators are easily removable by either users or service providers (as dependent on the
design of the product). Exception: Batteries that are permanently installed for safety, performance, medical
or data integrity reasons do not have to be “easily removable”. (See legal reference)
P3 Safety, EMC connection to the telephone network and labeling
P3.1* The product complies with legally required safety standards as specified (see legal reference).
P3.2* The product complies with legally required standards for electromagnetic compatibility (see legal
P3.3* If product is intended for connection to a public telecom network or contains a radio transmitter, it complies
with legally required standards for radio and telecommunication devices (see legal reference).
P3.4* The product is labeled to show conformance with applicable legal requirements (see legal reference).
P4 Consumable materials
P4.1* If a photo conductor (drum, belt etc.) is used in the product, it does not contain cadmium max 0.01% (see
legal reference and Note B1).
P4.2* If ink/toner is used in the product, it does not contain cadmium max 0.1% by weight (see legal reference).
P4.3* If the ink/toner formulation/preparation is classified as hazardous according to applicable regulations, the
product/packaging is adequately labeled and a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in accordance with these
requirements is available (see legal reference).
P5 Product packaging
P5.1* Packaging and packaging components do not contain more than 0.01% lead, mercury, cadmium and
hexavalent chromium by weight of these together.
P5.2* Plastic packaging material is marked according to ISO 11469 referring ISO 1043 (see legal reference).
P5.3* The product packaging material is free from ozone depleting substances as specified in the Montreal
Protocol (see legal reference).
Comment: Legal reference has no maximum concentration values.
Note B1: Restriction applies to the homogeneous material, unless other specified and expressed in weight %.