JOBNAME: ScionTcREVIEW - Toy PAGE: 11 SESS: 13 OUTPUT: Wed Mar 18 09:44:14 2009
Maintenance Expense
Normal maintenance services such as:
Engine tune-ups
Replacement of fluids and filters
Cleaning and polishing
Replacement of spark plugs and
Replacement of worn wiper blades,
brake pads/linings and clutch linings
Vehicles With Altered
Failure of a vehicle on which the
odometer has been altered so that
actual vehicle mileage cannot be
readily determined.
Salvage or Total-Loss
Any vehicle that has ever been issued a
“salvage” title or similar title under any
state’s law; or has ever been declared a
“total loss” or equivalent by a financial
institution or insurer, such as by
payment for a claim in lieu of repairs
because the cost of repairs exceeded
the cash value of the vehicle. This
exclusion does not apply to the
emission control warranties.
Incidental Damages
Incidental or consequential damages
associated with a vehicle failure. Such
damages include but are not limited to
inconvenience; the cost of
transportation, telephone calls and
lodging; the loss of personal or
commercial property; and the loss of
pay or revenue.
Disclaimer of Extra Expenses and
The performance of necessary
repairs and adjustments is the
exclusive remedy under this
warranty or any implied warranty.
Scion does not authorize any person
to create for it any other obligation
or liability in connection with this
vehicle. Scion shall not be liable for
incidental or consequential
damages resulting from breach of
this written warranty or any implied
warranty. Any implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose is limited to the
duration of this written warranty,
except in states where this
limitation is not allowed.
Your Warranties in Detail14