• Do not attempt to force open or tamper with the
fuel fill receptacle. A sudden release of natural gas
may occur, possibly causing injury.
• Your vehicle fuel system has a maximum capacity
of 3600 pounds per square inch gauge (24.8 MPa)
compensated to a temperature of 70°F (21°C). Ex-
ceeding the fuel system capacity may result in fuel
system damage and possibly cause injury.
• Your vehicle should not be fueled if damage to the
container has occurred. The damaged container
should be retested and inspected as per the Main-
tenance section prior to be being placed back into
NOTE: The fuel containers must be visually inspected
every 36 months or 36,000 miles whichever comes first,
for damage and deterioration from the date of manufac-
ture. The fuel containers expire and must be removed
from service after fifteen years from the date of manu-
facture. A label on the CNG tank states the first container
inspection and container expiration date. Refer to “Main-
taining Your Vehicle” in your Owner’s Manual for addi-
tional details on retesting.
NOTE: This vehicle is not compatible with gooseneck/
fifth-wheel trailers.
Refer to “Trailer Towing” in “Starting And Operating” in
your Owner’s Manual for further information.