ADE-4000 User Manual
Figure 6-7: ADSL Configuration Screen
RIP Configuration
RIP Configuration allows users to setup RIPv1/v2 support and related parameters
in ADE-4000.
Start or Stop a RIP session. The resulting RIP session will monitor all network
interfaces that are currently available for messages from other RIP routers.
If the supplier parameter is true, it will also respond to specific requests from other
routers and transmit route updates over every known interface at the interval speci-
fied by Interval.
Specifying a gateway setting of true establishes this router as a gateway to the
wider Internet, capable of routing packets anywhere within the local networks.
The value True indicates that the RIP messages are sent to the pre-defined multi-
cast address of (which requires a version setting of 2). Otherwise, it will
use broadcast address.
The interval of the RIP information will be advertised.