ow that you’ve learned how to
block channels or censor your
viewing using the Movie Ratings or
Parental (TV) Guidelines, let’s
review what you’ve done. The
SmartLock Review feature allows
you to see what has been blocked.
Whenever the Menu button is
pressed the onscreen menu will be
displayed with the SmartLock
Review highlighted.
Press the MENU button on the
remote to show the onscreen menu.
SmartLock REVIEW will be high-
© button and the SmartLock
Review Menu will appear.
This menu will display what chan-
nels have been blocked; what
Movie Ratings have been blocked;
what Parental (TV Ratings)
Guideline have been blocked. This
review screen will also display the
status of Unrated and No Rating
settings. If the Master Disable fea-
ture has been turned ON, the
SmartLock Review screen will dis-
play “SmartLock DISABLED”.
CHANNELS BLOCKED - Shows all blocked channels that were set within
the CHANNELS BLOCKED feature. Up to 5 channels may be blocked at
one time.
MOVIE RATINGS - Shows all blocked Movie Ratings that were set within
the MOVIE RATINGS feature. All or some may be blocked at one time.
Note: If a lower rating is blocked; this will automatically cause the higher
ratings to be blocked also. (i.e., if R is set to be blocked, X will automatical-
ly be blocked also.)
PARENTAL GUIDELINE - Shows all blocked TV Ratings that were set
within the PARENTAL GUIDELINES feature. All or some may be blocked
at one time. Note: If a lower rating is blocked; this will automatically cause
the higher ratings to be blocked also. (i.e., if TV-14 is set to be blocked, TV-
MA will automatically be blocked.) Parental Guidelines also have sub ratings
for Violence (V), Fantasy Violence (FV), Sexual Situations (S), Coarse
Language (L), and Suggestive Language (D). If the main rating is turned off
but the sub rating is turned ON, the program will be blocked but the rating
will not appear within the SmartLock Review menu.
BLOCK UNRATED - Shows ON or OFF depending on the status of the
BLOCK UNRATED feature. Based on the Movie Ratings or Parental (TV)
BLOCK NO RATING - Shows ON or OFF depending on the status of the
BLOCK NO RATING feature. Based on programming with NO content
advisory data.
SmartLock DISABLED will appear in the
SmartLock Review screen if the SmartLock
Disable feature is set to ON.