Parents - it isn’t possible for your child
to unblock a channel without knowing
your access code or changing it to a new
one. If your code changes, and you did-
n’t change it, then you know it’s been
altered by someone else and blocked
channels have been viewed.
he SmartLock feature is an inte-
grated circuit that receives and
processes data sent by broadcast-
ers, or other program providers,
that contain program content advi-
sories. When programmed by the
viewer, a TV with SmartLock can
respond to the content advisories
and block program content that may
be found objectionable (such as
offensive language, violence, sexual
situations, etc.). This is a great fea-
ture to censor the type of viewing
children may watch.
Over the next few pages you’ll learn
how to block channels and get a
better understanding of the rating
terms for certain programming.
First, let’s start by learning how to
set a personal access code:
Press the MENU button on the
remote to display the onscreen
Press the CURSOR UP ▲ or
CURSOR DOWN ▼ buttons until
the words SmartLock are highlight-
Press the CURSOR RIGHT ©
button to display the SmartLock
Access Code screen.
Using the NUMBERED but-
tons, enter 0, 7, 1, 1. “XXXX”
appears on the Access Code screen
as you press the numbered buttons.
appear on the screen, and you will
need to enter 0, 7, 1, 1 again.
Press the CURSOR DOWN ▼
button until the words CHANGE
CODE are highlighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT ©
button to change your personal
Access Code.
“Next enter a “new” 4 digit
code using the NUMBERED
buttons. The screen will then ask
you to confirm the code you just
entered. Enter your new code
again. “XXXX” will appear when
you enter your new code.
Press the STATUS/EXIT but-
ton to save the new code in the
TV's memory.