No. Component Location Description
a Traction Motor Under hood Converts three-phase AC power to drive power
(torque) which propels the vehicle.
b DC/DC Converter –
High voltage junction
Under hood This component includes a DC/DC converter and
high voltage junction box (J/B). The junction box
provides electric power from the Li-ion battery to
all high voltage parts of the vehicle. The DC/DC
converter reduces the voltage of the Li-ion battery
to provide power to the 12V battery in order to
operate the vehicle’s electric components (head-
lights, audio system, etc.).
c Inverter Under hood Converts the DC power stored in the Li-ion bat-
tery to three-phase AC power and controls motor
torque (revolution) by regulating the motor cur-
d Electric air condi-
tioner compressor
Under hood Air conditioner compressor
e Cabin heater Under hood This is the electric heat source for the cabin
heater. It heats the interior of the vehicle.
f Charge port Under hood Connecting port for EVSE (Electric Vehicle Sup-
ply Equipment). Two ports are available: Normal
charge and quick charge (if so equipped).
12V Battery Under hood A lead-acid battery that supplies power to the low
voltage devices.
h Li-ion (Lithium ion)
Undercarriage Stores and outputs DC power (Maximum voltage
400V) needed to propel the vehicle.
i High voltage cables Undercarriage and
Under hood
Orange-colored power cables carry high voltage
current between each of the high voltage compo-
j High voltage battery
service disconnect
Rear seat floor Isolates the battery from the rest of the high volt-
age electrical system.
On Board Charger Cargo area (This unit
is installed behind a
trim panel to prevent
Converts single-phase AC power from a home
power outlet to DC power and increases the volt-
age in order to charge the Li-ion battery.
Brake power supply
backup unit
Cargo area (This unit
is installed behind a
trim panel to prevent
Power supply backup unit for the brake system. It
supplies power to the brake system if a malfunc-
tion occurs in the 12V battery.