Maintain and Monitor the Extender
N600 WiFi Range Extender
5. Click the Show Statistics button.
The following table describes the traffic statistics fields that display for each of the four
LAN ports, for the WLAN1 port in the 2.4 GHz band, and for the WLAN2 port in the 5 GHz
Field Description
Status The link status and speed of the port.
TxPkts The number of packets transmitted on the port since the extender was restarted.
RxPkts The number of packets received on the port since the extender was restarted.
Collisions The number of collisions on the port since the extender was restarted.
Tx B/s The packet transmission rate in bytes per second on the port.
Rx B/s The packet reception rate in bytes per second on the port.
Up Time The time elapsed since the connection was initiated.
6. To change the poll interval:
a. Click the Stop button.
b. In the Poll Interval field, enter a new value in seconds.
c. Click the Set Interval button.