Manage the Extender Network and Security Settings
N600 WiFi Range Extender
If you use a WiFi device to change the extender’s WiFi settings, you are
disconnected when you click the Apply button. To reconnect, you must
select the new network name that you created, and enter the passphrase
or WiFi security key that you set up.
6. Click the Apply button.
The extender applies your settings, which might take up to one minute.
7. If you are disconnected, reconnect your WiFi device to the extender’
network with its new
Use a WiFi network manager on the computer or on a mobile device to reconnect to the
extender’s WiFi network.
Note: If your
computer or mobile device cannot join the new WiFi network of
the extender, see You Cannot Join a WiFi Network and Receive an
Error Message on page 82.
8. Click the I have connected to the Extender network button.
The WiFi network settings for the extender are saved and the Status screen displays.
Security Options (5GHz)
Select the type of WiFi security that you want to use for the extender’s 5 GHz WiFi network:
• None.
An open WiFi network that does not provide any security. Any WiFi device can join the network.
• WEP. WEP is an older standard, and is less secure than WPA or WP
A2. WEP limits the wireless mode
to Up to 54 Mbps. WEP uses encryption keys and data encryption for data security. Select 64-bit or
128-bit encryption and enter a key. To join the extender’s WiFi network, a user must enter the key. For
more information, see Configure WEP on page 50.
• WP
A-PSK [TKIP]. WPA is more secure than WEP. Enter a passphrase. For more information, see
Configure WP
A, WPA2, or WPA + WPA2 on page 49.
• WP
A2-PSK [AES]. WPA2 is even more secure than WEP, but some older WiFi devices do not detect
A2. Enter a passphrase. To join the extender’s WiFi network, a user must enter the passphrase. For
more information, see Configure WPA, WPA2, or WPA + WPA2 on page 49.
• WP
A-PSK [TKIP] + WPA2-PASK [AES]. When your network includes WiFi devices that support either
A or WPA2, select WPA-PSK [TKIP] + WPA2-PASK [AES] security. Enter a passphrase. To join
the extender’s WiFi network, a user must enter the passphrase. For more information, see Configure
WPA, WPA2, or WPA + WPA2 on page 49
Setting Description