Application Note
OpenSource User Guide for OpenSource Wireless-G
Router KWGR614
This document provides further product information for open source developers who are
interested in using this platform to develop their customization applications.
WARNING: Opening the router housing or putting in any customer software on the
router will void the warranty on your router
This section describes the hardware memory specifications and the module and software
specifications for the OpenSource Wireless-G Router KWGR614.
Hardware Memory Specifications
Total memory:
• Flash: 4MB
Memory usage of the latest router firmware:
• Flash: 2MB used = 1,804KB (router firmware V1.0.1-10.17WW) + 192KB
(Bootloader + BoardInfo + POT + Configuration)
• SDRAM: about 8.5MB (without including the dynamic memory allocation)
Module and Software Specifications
The following table lists the functional modules of the KWGR614 router and the source
and versions of the different modules. You can find more information on these functional
modules directly from the source of the packages.
Module Package Version Location (directory)
NAT/NAPT RomeDriver-Realtek 3.6.3 linux-2.4.x/drivers/net/re865x/rtl865x
RIPv1/RIPv2 Copyright 2005, DNI 1.0.0 user/ripd
udhcpd/udhcpc of
Busybox V1.00-pre2
0.9.10 user/busybox/networking/udhcp
DNS Proxy Dnrd 2.17.2 user/dnrd-dnshijack