24 NB9/NB9W ADSL2+ VoIP Router
YML790 Rev8
Voice Menu 1
Enter your VoIP details in the NB9/NB9W through the Voice menu.
Clicking on the Voice Menu will retrieve the following screen:
Entries in these fields are as follows:
Field Value
Interface name
Current WAN connection; if you have set up your PPPoE connection to your ISP, this will
display the current WAN connection.
Preferred codec
Value recommended by your VSP; default is G.729.
Preferred ptime
Value recommended by your VSP; default is 20.
Use SIP proxy
This box must be checked to activate the SIP registration process.
SIP Proxy
Enter SIP proxy IP address provided by your VSP.
SIP proxy port
Default is 5060. Leave as default unless directed to enter another value by VSP.
SIP proxy Domain
Set SIP proxy domain name; usually the same as SIP Proxy unless directed otherwise by VSP.
SIP Outbound Proxy:
Leave disable unless directed by VSP.
Enable SIP tag Matching:
Remote server for SIP Message: This box must be checked to activate the SIP Message
logging. Leave as default unless directed otherwise by VSP.
Register Expire Time
Value recommended by your VSP; default is 60 (seconds).