Receiver Firmware
USB Report
DRM050 — Rev 0 Designer Reference Manual
MOTOROLA Receiver Firmware 43
8.2.1 Input Report Example
Table 8-6 shows some input report examples. Report ID is not used in
interface 0. The first byte is the modifier byte and is set on bit base.
Whenever a modifier key is pressed, the corresponding bit is set to 1. For
example, if the Left Control and the character 'A' keys are pressed, the
first byte of the report equals $01, the second byte is reserved, the third
byte equals $04, and the forth through the eighth bytes equal $00.
Power Management keys are reported through interface 1 with report
ID 1. For example, if the Wake key is pressed, the first byte equals $01
(ID = 1), and the second byte equals $02 (corresponding bit equals 1)
since Wake key is defined as the bit 2 of the second byte.
Hot keys are reported through interface 1 with reported ID 2. For
example, if the hot key 0 and the hot key 17 are pressed, the first byte
equals $02 (ID = 2); the second byte equals $01 since hot key 0 is
pressed; the third byte equals $00 since hot keys 8 to 16 are not
pressed; and the forth byte equals $02 since the hot key 17 is pressed.
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Report ID = 3
2 X Displacement
3 Y Displacement
4 Z Displacement
Table 8-5. Interface 1 Mouse Input Report
Keys Pressed Endpoint In Report Data
Left Control, ’A’ 1 $01,$00,$04,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
Left Control, Right Alt, ’A’, ’B’ 1 $41,$00,$04,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00
Wake 2 $01,$02
Hot Key 0 & Hot Key 17 2$02,$01,$00,$02
Table 8-6. Input Report Examples
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